Custom Organizers

14 03 2010

We will be able to create customized organizers just for you! You can request certain templates by commenting on this post.

Simply leave in the comments the following information:

  1. the color scheme (Ex. blue and red, green, etc.)
  2. categories (Ex. work, applications, etc.)
  3. any other designs (Ex. flowers, stripes, polka dots, etc.)
It’s easy as 1… 2… 3…!



3 responses

18 03 2010

I would like my organizer to be the colors: blue, green, yellow, and purple (other dark colors) I would like the theme to be: in the moon light!I would like to have the sections: pictures, other, documents, work(a little coloum) applicationsI would like to have some: moon,stars, flowers, and other night thingsRequest for propel!!**

18 03 2010
Blogs Bunny

Sounds like a great organizer! It'll be out really soon! šŸ˜€ This organizer, inspired by you, will be called "Moon Shine Organizer"! Make sure to check this blog daily for your customized organizer!

20 03 2010
Blogs Bunny

The organizer will be called "Starry Night Organizer" instead!

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